Missing life drawing from my college year
Life drawing nude woman
Created by Manzi Liu
I found this picture of my life drawing piece from college. This drawing is missing. Back in the day, I was a college student study in Guangzhou. This was my freshman year's classwork. This is a life drawing, pencil on paper with red color paint. End of the semester, I took a train home. I put some of my artworks in a cylinder shape drawing container. I was sitting at the station waiting for my train to come. When my train came, I forgot my container and walk towards the train. I suddenly remember that I forgot my artworks, I run back to where I sat. Well, the container was gone already. I guess who toke my container will be very disappointing that nothing valuable in it, only some of an art student’s artworks. My art might mean nothing to that person but mean so much to me.
Have you missing something you cherish but might mean nothing for other people? Share with us at the comment section.
I always wish you the best.
Let's be friends😘 I
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FREE DOWNLOAD OF MY DRAWING HERE. Welcome to post this picture online or pubic, BUT please credit the creator which is ME ME ME😎 ! COPE THIS → Created by Artist Manzi Liu from ManziLiuArt.com
Thank you! Much Love😘