Struggle with what you want to do in life?

People tell me to so what I love, but I don't even know what I love.

People tell me to so what I love, but I don't even know what I love.

People tell me to so what I love, but I don't even know what I love.

I guess many of you like me, struggling with what you want to do in life.

A little about my story. I am an artist. I do mainly fine art, painting, and drawing. Like so many artists nowadays, I also have a non-art related job to put food on table.

Be honest with you guys, even though I been doing art for my whole life, I don’t dare to dream one day I can do what I love for living.

When I was study art in school, I never thought I am going to be a full-time artist, which is not realistic for me at all. Who am I kidding? I worked different jobs but not a fulltime artist after I graduated. I was not happy. It’s not the jobs are difficult, nor coworkers or bosses are bad to me, I just didn’t feel right. I felt those jobs are not my calling, it’s very hard to explain the feeling. When I talked to some of my friends, they told me that jobs are not supposed to make me happy, jobs are just for money so we can survive. You know what, I am not the kind of person just suck it up and keep doing what I am doing. I started to research for life purposes related to content. It has been 5 years from now, do I have the answer? Nope. Do I get closer? Yes, I think.

This is my takeaway.

First, stop believing all the bullshit you tell yourself, like what I told myself: “I am not good enough.” “Who am I?” “I can’t do it.” “It’s impossible.” (I am sure we have more, but just stop believe that.)

Second, just pick one thing you want to do the most and try it out first. I understand you might have more than one thing you want to do. (That is totally me. Hey, I am an artist, I have a creative but monkey mind, I always want to try different things. In 5 years, I tried different things, of course, some things are not working for me, which is OK.) Here, write done all of the things you want to try, I am talking about career possible things here. Remember, no dream is too big or too small.

Third, do some research about this career, but do not scare yourself. Not one knows how to do it at the beginning, but please be realistic. How much time, money or talent required? Remember, if you really want to do it, you will figure out a way to do it.

My dream for now is to be a full-time artist and influencer, to inspire others.This dream is very big for me, but now I dare to dream. I hope you dare to dream too.

Let's be friends😘 I







FREE DOWNLOAD OF MY DRAWING HERE. Welcome to post this picture online or pubic, BUT please credit the creator which is ME ME ME😎 ! COPE THIS → Created by Artist Manzi Liu from

Thank you! Much Love😘